Active fundraising campaigns

We understand the power of community-driven support. 

To reach a broader audience, we collaborate with the following fundraising platforms:

South African Donors

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BackaBuddy Where cause meets crowd (South African Donors)
Join our campaigns on BackaBuddy to support our local initiatives.

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International Donors

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TrustBridge GlobalTrust Bridge Global ensures your contributions reach us securely and efficiently.

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Meet our fundraising team

Dr Sonia Swart
Coordinator: Support Partnerships
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Boetie Lourens
Facilitator: Ethical Fundraising
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Gretha Lourens
Facilitator: Ethical Fundraising
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Nicole T. Mamadi
Facilitator: Training & Ethical Fundraising
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We are currently raising funds for:

Mentorship Training Course, South Africa | August 2024

Petra Institute will be presenting a Mentorship Course from 3 to 31 August 2024 in De Doorns, Western Cape, South Africa.

Over the past 35 years, Petra Institute has trained Christian leaders from child-related ministries in more than 80 countries.

➝ Part of the DNA of Petra Institute is to train for multiplication.
➝ However, for this strategy to be sustainable, we need to train mentors who can manage and oversee the training strategy.
➝ We will be training a younger generation of Petra Institute staff, and young leaders from from South African, Kenyan, Ethiopian and Malawian partnership organisations.

In this way, we ensure the stability and continued existence of both Petra Institute as an organisation, and the ministries of our partners.

This mentorship training project will equip a new generation of leaders, who will, in turn, equip other young leaders. This cycle of multiplication continues to drive our goal to increasingly reach more families and communities with the Gospel.

At Petra Institute, we understand the power of community-driven support, which has sustained us since our inception in 1989. There are many ways to support our work, including intercessory prayer, advocacy, volunteering, and financial contributions. Your financial contribution towards this project will have eternal value.

To make a donation, please click on the button below, or send an email to

Please, also take a minute to share this video with others.


hartswater (northern cape project)

Hartswater project

During the week of 4 to 8 December 2023, the community of Hartswater in the Northern Cape is planning three simultaneous children’s outreaches. These Children’s Weeks have been conducted in the area around the Vaalharts Irrigation Scheme for close on 28 years, mainly under the auspices of Christian Youth Outreach (CYO), a local interdenominational school ministry.

For the last few years, CYO has formed a fruitful partnership with Petra Institute. With the wonderful help of local congregations, about 500 primary school children in the Tswana community of Magogong have been participating in these outreaches every December school holiday. Very effective programmes have been run by the staff of Petra, with many local volunteers being equipped, motivated, and involved in this children’s ministry.

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angola project (international)

Angola project

Angola has been ravaged by war for 41 years. Even though the war ended 21 years ago, the entire population is traumatised. Parents and grandparents of today were children and young adults during the war. Those who grew up during the war still suffer from PTSD, anxiety, depression and abandonment.

This probably explains why parents are now much less involved in the lives of their children – and the next generation – than before the war. Because of this lack of involvement from parents, today's children experience a different trauma – emotional and spiritual abandonment from their parents. This often results in behavioural problems.Without any psychosocial intervention, it will influence their lives as well as that of the next generation.

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hartswater (northern cape project)

Hartswater project

During the week of 4 to 8 December 2023, the community of Hartswater in the Northern Cape is planning three simultaneous children’s outreaches. These Children’s Weeks have been conducted in the area around the Vaalharts Irrigation Scheme for close on 28 years, mainly under the auspices of Christian Youth Outreach (CYO), a local interdenominational school ministry.

For the last few years, CYO has formed a fruitful partnership with Petra Institute. With the wonderful help of local congregations, about 500 primary school children in the Tswana community of Magogong have been participating in these outreaches every December school holiday. Very effective programmes have been run by the staff of Petra, with many local volunteers being equipped, motivated, and involved in this children’s ministry.

donate (south africa)

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Please help us create a movement on social media by including the hashtag #FriendsOfPetraInstitute when you post any feedback about Petra Institute’s courses or fundraising campaigns on your own platforms.

This helps us to create ‘virality’ and increases the reach of our social media channels.