Your support helps us build communities around the world where children are welcome. Petra Institute, a Non-Profit Company, has been guided by faith, sustained by God's provision, and supported by generous donations since 1989. We are committed to making a meaningful impact on the lives of children and communities worldwide. Below you will find various ways you can join hands with us and make a difference.
Giving us feedback on platforms such as Google and Facebook helps to show other potential partners that we are trustworthy and do good work.If we have impacted you or your community, please take a minute to review us on Google or Facebook.
If you are not comfortable with any of these platforms, you are also welcome to send us an email.
Please help us create a movement on social media by including the hashtag #FriendsOfPetraInstitute when you post any feedback about Petra Institute’s courses or fundraising campaigns on your own platforms.
This helps us to create ‘virality’ and increases the reach of our social media channels.