Participant feedback
''You brought hope into the hearts of leaders working with our children.''
A blessed but intense three weeks of training in our Walking with Wounded Children course was recently held at Village of Hope, Chibombo, Zambia.
The training had a double focus: Petra Institute’s Courtney Hendricks, Facilitator of Training in Zambia, mentored Gabriel Ngulube, Jackson Banda, Lauren Njungu, and Monia Hendricks.
All four have attended the Walking with Wounded Course presented at Petra Institute in White River in 2020 and were now trained as tutors. They in turn trained a group of 11 participants consisting of the medical doctor, social worker, counselling team and house mothers and fathers from the Village of Hope Orphanage.
Village of Hope
Village of Hope is an organisation that provides quality education to over 650 students from pre-primary to Grade 12. They have a teacher's training college registered with Mulungushi University, and safe houses for almost 100 kids, all on the same premises.
Visit their website to learn more about their work and how you can sponsor one of the children in their care.
Petra Institute values the fact that we can collaborate with an organisation such as Village of Hope, knowing that together, we bring about restored lives, transforming not only a community but also the next generation of leaders.
Feedback from some of our course participants
Dr Chipepo Chibesakunda | Medical Doctor and Assistant Director of Village of Hope
“My experience of the course was really insightful and impactful individually and corporately. Throughout the course, we realised that we all have experienced trauma and it helped me to see the impact it had in my life and also how I could now begin to overcome the trauma I experienced.
The design of the course makes it very practical for someone to be able to help a child who has experienced trauma in a fun and creative way. The highlight of this course is the deep appreciation that I experienced of the significance of relationships with God and others and how together, we become a healing community.”
Tess Meiring | Staff Member, Village of Hope, Chibombo Zambia
“I am so extremely thankful for the training which you and your team are doing here at the Village of Hope. You brought hope into the hearts of leaders working with our children. Within 4 days of training, there was a total shift of understanding and ability to work with broken children!
This is the answer to prayer indeed. The reports coming from some of the participants are so powerful, mind-blowing, and amazing! This course opened up understanding and equipped them with much-needed keys to unlock challenges working with hurting children. Thank you guys for bringing much-needed change and understanding. We love you!”
Doreen Muimo | Social Worker, Village of Hope, Chibombo Zambia
“At Village of Hope we believe in the God given potential of all children, and we endeavour to provide holistic God centred parenting to all the children that are in our care. The value that this training has added to our team is immeasurable. The Walking with Wounded Children course has allowed our staff to gain more knowledge around the subject of trauma while simultaneously equipping them to identify children with internal wounds.
We look forward to concluding the second half of the course.''
Petra Institute: Building Communities where Children are Welcome
Our mission is inspired by our God-given calling to promote, facilitate, and provide advocacy and training in children’s ministry, in partnership with churches, organisations and networks, to reach our goal of Building Communities where Children are Welcome.
We want to serve as catalysts in shifting paradigms about children through advocacy, consultation, partnerships, and training in communities.
Walking with Wounded Children Course
Our Walking with Wounded Children (WWWC) Course is designed to equip children’s workers in handling emotionally wounded children on a very fundamental level. During the course, each participant sees a child 5 times under the supervision of the course facilitators. We strongly believe that the relationship between the helper and the child is key towards healing.
Please visit Walking with Wounded Children Course (including the dates and location of the next course dates) for more information.