Feedback from Petra Institute’s VolunteersMany non-profit organisations would not be able to do the work they are doing without the help of volunteers. To many, volunteering is a foreign concept, and yet, in 2018, more than 77 million people in America has done some form of volunteering as confirmed by this article.The following words from one of our volunteers sums volunteering up so well:

“Deciding to become a volunteer on the one hand filled me with such excitement, but on the other, with absolute fear! Trusting the Lord to venture into this unknown situation and for every aspect of my life, was a dimension of Christian life that I still had to learn! Jesus says in John 15:5: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and the certainty of His calling on my life is probably the two aspects that made it possible to face the many difficulties, but also to experience a deep sense of His presence in my life, and seeing His mighty works. So many things enriched my life: people from many nations sharing their lives with us; experiencing fulfilment in what I am doing; learning so much. But most of all, seeing the hand of God move and making the impossible possible.”

Petra Institute’s volunteers gave some feedback on the following questions:

What are the most important spiritual attributes needed by a volunteer?

  • Believing that it is God calling you
  • Having faith in the King who called you to work in His kingdom with His authority and by means with His resources
  • Obedience to the will of God
  • Passion for the cause
  • To have a calling
  • Servanthood

How does being a volunteer fulfil you?

  • Seeing people respond the love of God
  • Taking part in and contributing to something one believes in, adds significance to a person’s life
  • To be within God’s will
  • To be part of the Great Commission
  • Humility, having a teachable spirit, servanthood, this is not about me
  • To see how God works through me

What is the hardest aspect being a volunteer?

  • We are fighting a war on behalf of our King – it is not child’s play, but we are fighting in His power, with His armour, on His terms and in His victory that He attained through the cross and His resurrection
  • Staying obedient, in spite of difficult circumstances
  • Generating one’s own income whilst working fulltime in ministry

What advice would you give to a prospective volunteer?

  • Make sure of your calling. It’s not easy, but it is very rewarding.
  • Be prepared for your worldview to change and that you may end up going places and doing things you did not dream of.
  • Stay close to God.
  • Trust Him in everything – He knows our every need.
  • Put on your apron and be willing to do whatever is needed. Be dependable. Expect appreciation from God and not from people.

How can you get involved?

There is more than one way to get involved with Petra Institute. You can volunteer, advocate, offer your expertise, pray or contribute financially.

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