A message from our MD, Bernard Joubert

It is a great privilege to become the leader of a movement like Petra Institute. It is also a great challenge to maintain the growth curve in which the institute has been since its inception for the past 32 years.Steve Addison says in his book, The Rise and Fall of Movements: ‘A ministry is what you can do with the help of others. A movement is what God can do when you let go of control and multiply disciples and churches.’'We realise that these leaders, as John 15 illustrates, lived in close communion with Jesus Christ. It is the secret of leadership that takes people forward and empowers them. As the branch remains in the vine, so we remain in Jesus Christ. Jesus chooses not to bear the fruit himself but that the shoots bear the fruit. Without Christ, we can not bear fruit. The secret to taking Petra Institute into the future is that we will all live together in connection with Christ, make disciples and empower churches.
Please pray with us that we will remain individually and as an organisation in the Lord and He in us. We are excited about the path ahead and trust the Lord that the growth and impact of the ministry will increase.
Bernard Joubert, Managing Director